Oral Conscious Sedation
Mild to moderate sedation allows patients to remain awake during their procedure, yet fully relaxed and unbothered by the treatment being performed. Dr. Ebeling gives patients the opportunity to choose between oral sedation, using a sedative pill that is taken prior to your appointment, or nitrous oxide (laughing gas) that is gently inhaled through a nosepiece while you are in the dental chair.
Nitrous oxide is one of the safest and most preferred solutions in conscious sedation dentistry. Not only can the level of sedation be adjusted during your procedure, but the effects of the gas wear off within minutes after removing the mask. This allows patients to drive themselves home without feeling any lingering side effects. When choosing oral conscious sedation, most patients can still communicate with others during their procedure, but they have little recollection of the actual procedure once it is complete. Nitrous oxide can be used for any type of dental treatment, depending on the level of the patient’s anxiety.
If your dental anxiety is an obstacle to caring for your smile, please let us know! Our dental team has a priority to make each patient feel comfortable and at ease from the moment they step into our office. Countless patients take advantage of sedation dentistry so that they can achieve a healthy and beautiful smile despite their nervousness about seeing a dentist. Whether you had a bad experience as a child or you have a severe gag reflex, we understand how to safely and effectively address your concerns.
To learn more about how sedation dentistry could benefit you, please contact the East Cobb Premier Dental team today!
Monday – Thursday | 8:00 – 4:00 |
Friday – Saturday | Emergencies Only |